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All customerprocesses that use gases - Strategic application technology

Nested Applications

Nested Applications

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Ice cream process chart

Ice cream process chart

Due to the many different types of product, the production of ice cream is particularly varied. In addition to cooling, probably the most obvious gas application in this segment, other processes such as chocolate coating, surface hardening and pelletising are also carried out with the use of gases.

Vegetables and fruits process

Vegetables and fruits process

The processing of fruit and vegetables consists of many individual steps. After cultivation and harvesting, fruit and vegetables are, depending on the desired end product, sorted, peeled and cut, cooled, and packaged until finally being transported to supermarkets.


Green house process chart

Green house process chart

Plants are cultivated in heated or unheated greenhouses with their growth supported through CO2 fertilisation and O2 enrichment of the irrigation water. Ripening gases are used for climacteric fruit; these can specifically influence the ripening process of fruit which has already been harvested.   

Ready made meals

Ready made meals

Ready-made meals make cooking easier as the consumer is freed of any preparation, except for the heating of the food. The varied range of ready-made meals also reflects the complexity of the manufacturing process. Gases from Messer are used in many of the individual process steps. These include the mixing, cooling, freezing and packaging of the products.

Spices and herbs process chart

Spices and herbs process chart

Herbs and spices have become an integral part of our food. During their processing they are often ground, cooled or frozen and packaged. Gases from Messer play a role in many of these applications.  

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