
Group management report 2023

Annual report 2023


In its 125th anniversary year, Messer was able to further increase both sales and EBITDA despite challenging economic conditions. As a result of high inflation rates, economic activity slowed in 2023, which had a corresponding impact on demand for industrial gases. However, Messer's business once again proved to be resilient: the world's largest privately owned specialist for industrial, medical and specialty gases was able to increase its total sales by 7.1 percent* to around 4,391 million euros* in the 2023 financial year. The company was also able to improve its EBITDA once again. It rose by 9.1 percent* to around 1,284 million*. At around 636 million euros*, investments remained at a high level. Our investments are geared towards securing the economic viability of our existing business and exploiting profitable growth potential. Our investment decisions also support Messer's sustainability goals, for example with regard to our customers' decarbonization efforts or plant optimization and digitalization. 

In 2023, Messer continued to look ahead to the future to seize opportunities and keep moving forward.

* Consolidated presentation of Messer (formerly Messer Group and Messer Industries), which includes the former 100 percent equity-accounted investment in Messer Industries and was adjusted for the effects of the acquisition of Messer Industries in November 2023.

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